We light a fire, gather all together, and watch a performance from some of the staff. Songs, games, silly skits: campfires always keep campers and counselors giggling.
Group Nights
An evening planned by the counselors for their co-group. It is dedicated to spending quality time as a group while participating in a fun unique activity specially designed for the individual campers.
Unit Nights
Each unit does their own evening program, guaranteed to bring campers closer together. Examples include a slumber party for Novas, Game show Night for Lunas, and a Drag Race for Seniors!
Gabz Spesh
Gabz loves to put on a show! With the help of CITs, she takes care of the evening program once a week.
Skit Night
Co-groups work together to create a skit that is presented to the rest of camp! This evening is filled with costumes, face paint, and tons of laughter!
La Roche
A Sunday morning gathering focusing on reflection and community involvement, while emphasizing our privilege and the theft of indigenous traditions, land, and culture. Themes that are discussed include friendship, nature, and kindness.
Sunday Evening Program
Following the same theme as that morning’s La Roche, we hold a calm campfire that centers on storytelling and music, through the talents performed by participating staff and campers. Everyone also has a chance to share their personal reflections from the day.
Ouareau Games
A game involving all of camp, Ouareau games are an intense competition between our two teams, Unda (blue) and Teneo (red)!
Land Water Relay
The ultimate Ouareau game! Only happening at the end of every month, this relay race, where every camper has a role, is the epic culmination of the competition between our two teams. Get ready to run, climb, paint, throw hoops, or paddle like never before!
Theme Day
Held once every two weeks, these are half-day theme-driven programs, including two Ouareau games. The day is filled with props, costumes, a fun story line, and concludes with an awesome campfire!
Drama Productions
We have a camper production every session. The first two weeks of every month features a play by our Novas and Lunas, and the last two weeks are reserved for our Lunas and Seniors. Within two weeks, the campers never fail to create something truly magical!
Cow Stunts
At the end of every month, counselors get together to put on an incredible show for the campers! Dancing, lip-synching, acting, and more, this is always a highlight evening for our campers.
Opening & Closing Ceremonies
Campfires celebrating the beginning and the end of a Ouareau summer (we’ve kept this tradition since 1922!)
Cabane à Sucre
In our first two week sessions of the month, we have a cabane à sucre themed dinner. We put on our flannels, listen to classic Quebec songs, line dance, and play fun games before enjoying a delicious traditional quebecois meal.
Bymph's Birthday
At the end of our July session, we dress up in silly costumes to celebrate Bymph’s (our camp mascot) birthday with a huge banquet!
The grand finale meal for campers and staff at the end of August camp. This meal is a highlight for August campers!