Getting a Canadian Bank Account
Camp Ouareau pays by Direct Deposit, this means that our payroll company deposits the money you make directly into your account. We do not pay by cheque.
Since we are a company registered in Canada, you must have a Canadian Bank Account that we can deposit funds into. For Canadian residents, this isn’t something they usually have to worry about but for international staff, the question of “how do I get a Canadian bank account?” can be a daunting one.
The easiest way to set up a Canadian bank account for people living abroad is through WISE.
Through WISE, you can create a Canadian currency account that will provide you with an account number, institution number, and transit number, which we need to set up Direct Deposit. Wise offers a service similar to Revolut, which is sadly not available in Canada.
We also recommend that you order a bank card (once your account is all set up) to go with your account, which can only be mailed to you in your home country.
Alternatively, you can go to in person to a bank in Canada and set up a bank account with them. You will need your Social Insurance Number to do this.
We strongly recommend WISE over setting up a bank account with a Canadian Bank directly since you can set up the WISE account in advance, which means we can pay you right away and it also makes moving your funds after the summer a bit easier.
Once you have your WISE account; find your bank information and complete the Bank Information form and upload it to CampBrain.
To find your bank details, log in to WISE and click on your canadian account. Below where it says CAD balance click on the little bank icon and 12-digit number. The information you’ll need to fill out the Bank Information form will be displayed.