Where do I sleep
To offer a more independent experience for campers, staff do NOT sleep in the same cabin or tent as their campers, but instead live in nearby cabins with their co-workers! We are one of few camps in North America that operates this way, and we believe it is a crucial way to promote our mission.
Our log cabins have large screened windows that remain open, and some even include bunk beds! Cabins can sleep anywhere between four and eight people - though the majority are for four campers.
Yukon Tents
These tents have wooden floors raised off of the ground and a double canvas roof. The sides can be rolled up during the day to welcome in fresh air and natural sunlight. Tents can accommodate 4 campers.
The experience of living in a cabin versus a tent is more similar than you’d expect; cabins let in just as many bugs as the tents, and tents are just as cozy as cabins. Everyone has their personal preference, some people prefer cabins with their doors and windows, while others like the luminosity of tents and the flexibility of being able to open the sides when it’s nice out during the day.
Bathrooms and showers
We have two bathroom facilities, one on each side of camp. There are also two shower facilities. Campers have two mandatory showers per week, during either cabin clean-up or siesta and can shower other days if they would like, during cultiva.
Friend Requests
Campers can make friend requests for the following four areas of camp: meals, activities, co-group & group
For any request to be considered, both families must make the same request in the concerned category. For group and co-group requests, both campers MUST be the same unit-age group & no more than one year apart in age or grade in school). That being said, we cannot guarantee any request.
Given the nature of our program and how we form our cabin/tent groups, only one request per camper for each category offered will be considered.
Some requests are more difficult to accommodate than others (e.g.: two campers of different ages or session lengths who wish to live together). Whilst we cannot put family members together in the same cabin/tent group, they may be placed together for some activity periods. If two campers are placed in the same cabin/tent group, there is a strong possibility that they will not be together during meals or activities.