Mélanie Labelle
What years were you at camp and in what capacity?
I was a counsellor at camp from 2001 to 2003. I was assistant-head of windsurfing, assistant-head of waterfront and office manager.
Where do you currently live?
J'habite à Montréal dans le quartier Ahuntsic.
Any other camp connections?
Mes filles sont actuellement campeuses. Estelle, 9 ans, ira au camp pour le 4e été cette année et Aude, 7 ans, aurait été campeuse junior l'été dernier et passera son premier 2 semaines au camp au mois d'août.
What are some of your favourite memories from camp?
Un moment marquant de mon passage au camp est ma rencontre avec un orignal pendant que je faisais de la planche à voile une journée de congé. I also have a soft spot for camp traditions, for example twirling on the bridge, skipping around the dining room, singing taps ...
Favourite camp song, program and activity?
C'est difficile de choisir une seule chanson, mais je dirais In the Early Hours of the Morn et Senior Wish (j'ai passé seulement 3 étés au camp et je peux encore les chanter). J'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir pendant les grands jeux d'Ouareau et à la planche à voile.
What did camp teach you?
At camp I've learned skills like how to build a fire (see attached picture), to push my limits and not to be afraid to try new things.
Favourite spot/place at camp?
My favorite spot at camp is the beach: during the day for all the activities that take place there and at night for the quietness. Sans oublier les magnifiques couchers de soleil.
Tell us a little about your life - career, school, etc.
Since 2016, I am a terminologist for the government of Canada and before that I was a translator for 7 years. As a terminologist, my job is to help translators and writers use the proper words for specialized concepts in both English and French. I sometimes do research to answer specific questions, I work on keeping TERMIUM the Federal government's terminological database up-to-date or I create glossaries (I've worked on the Glossary on the COVID-19 pandemic).
“Thanks to Ouareau I learned to value nature and the strength it can give.”
Favourite pastimes or hobbies?
Quand la vie est « normale », je joue de la clarinette basse dans un orchestre à vents, la Symphonie des vents de Montréal. Présentement, distanciation physique oblige, la lecture, les jeux de société en famille et les randonnées, à pied ou en ski de fond, sont au programme.
Do you have any New Years resolutions or goals for 2021?
My goal for 2021 would be to focus on the positive.
Anything else you’d like to tell us?
I've worked at camp because Jessica Pace jokingly told me I should become assistant-head of windsurfing, but I'm grateful I've discovered such a great place where my daughters can learn so many skills while becoming strong and independent girls.
Finish this sentence:
#thanks to Ouareau I.... learned to value nature and the strength it can give.