Thanks to Ouareau - Tripping Edition

Camp is definitely part of the most beautiful experiences I’ve had the chance to live in my life. It is at camp, more than at school or at home, that I’ve made the greatest learning about myself and the way I can have an impact on the world and the people around me. I grew up in a camp that focuses mainly on tripping and outdoor expeditions. I strongly believe, having done a lot of those outdoor trips, in the power of nature and its effects on building personality and individuality. The transition between Camp Minogami and Camp Ouareau was made in the most beautiful way I could ever imagine: it allowed me to shift from being a camper and benefiting from these trips to leading those trips at Ouareau and transmitting this passion to younger passionate girls. Today, as staff, I think that camp allows me to continue to develop my sense of leadership and initiative, my abilities to form constructive and strong relationships, but most importantly it helps me keep the flame of youth and passion alive.

Myriam R. is our 2018 co-head of tripping.


Four years ago, I had never set foot in a canoe, and I was quite nervous at the thought of doing so. And yet, here I am today; head of tripping for a second summer! I have so many examples like this one that I could share with you.

Every summer, sometimes in the most surprising ways, camp has helped me discover new things. It made me discover tripping, a place where I feel like my best self. It made me, a shy person, perform on stage. It made me bond more deeply with people, some who share the same passions as me, some who don’t and some who are today my closest friends.

Thanks to Ouareau, I now have the opportunity to share all of this with campers through tripping, and THAT, ultimately, is why I come back to camp year after year.

Charlotte T.-B. is our 2018 co-head of tripping. 


Thanks to Camp…


… and all I brought back was dirty fingernails