Martha (Hodgson) Oram
Where do you current reside?
Ottawa, Ontario
What years were you at camp and in what capacity
1972 – 76 as camper and 1980 as staff: Assistant Head Waterfront
Any other ouareau connections?
Yes! My daughter, Paige Johnston and 3 of my nieces went to Ouareau: Dan Hodgson, Allie Hodgson and Abbie Hodgson. My step cousins Leslie and Lyndsay Doig. Our family also went to Family Camp for 2 years.
What are your fondest memories of camp?
Singing at meal time; Opening Ceremonies; campfires; skits in the lodge; mostly the unique Ouareau things like calling out the chef when the food was outstanding, and learning “The Ouareau Way” which is probably dating me….
What did camp teach you? what did you learn at camp?
I learned how to make a bed roll waterproof, which has come in very handy, ha ha ha! But seriously, I learned so many new skills, like swimming, canoeing, campcraft but also just that feeling being able to learn, and grow, make mistakes and giggle along the way.
Favourite program, song, day, activity at camp
Those Silent Hills, Senior Wish Song (I was part of the group that made up that song with Lee Anne Nicholson (if I remember correctly). Loved Cabin Night…and my fave was Arts & Crafts
Finish this sentence Thanks to camp.....I felt special and had a sense of belonging, which gave me empathy to others throughout life.
Why do you think camps are important for children?
These days it’s especially important to unplug, there are not many opportunities for kids to do this. It is also great to get away from the city, get dirty, get away from your parents, live with others and learn to get a long.
Tell us a little about your family, career and hobbies
I am married with 2 grown daughters, I work as a web content specialist, trained as a graphic designer. My hobbies include mostly fitness, yoga and other self improvement activities like meditation.
“Thanks to camp I felt special and had a sense of belonging, which gave me empathy to others throughout life.”
Anything else you'd like to share?
I absolutely loved camp. As a shy 11-year-old thinking I would miss home, I felt special and a part of a wonderful community. I have been so happy to share this with my daughters and nieces.
“For once you have been a camper
Then something has come to stay
Deep in your heart forever
Which nothing can take away”
- Mary S. Edgar