Qu’est-ce qui attire les gens à Ouareau?
Past Staff Testimonials
Thanks to Camp…
In 2017, Ouareau participated in the #ThanksToCamp campaign which was lead by one of our directors: Gabz. The campaign aimed to show people who have never been to camp what impact camp has had on their lives. In a way, it also helped us by showing us what camp is all about for our campers and our staff, and still today, two years later, people still tell us about why they loved the campaign and most importantly, they keep sharing their #ThanksToCamp stories.
Thanks to Ouareau - Tripping Edition
Camp is definitely part of the most beautiful experiences I’ve had the chance to live in my life. It is at camp, more than at school or at home, that I’ve made the greatest learning about myself and the way I can have an impact on the world and the people around me.
… and all I brought back was dirty fingernails
I drove through the winding path, tires crumbling the loose rocks that made up the road, my heart furiously beating against my chest. “Don’t worry”, I kept telling myself, “camp is supposed to be fun… isn’t it?”