Annleigh Wallace
aka Weasle
Where do you currently reside?
I have been in Hamilton for 14 yrs now
What years were you at camp, and in what capacity?
Years at camp were ‘84-86 and CIT ‘87. Was there for august ‘88.
Tell us about some of your fondest memories
Fondest That’s hard to do a short list! Tent hopping, playing chicken in the sailboat, the theatre productions, singing by the fire, sneaking into the kitchen to get cheese, always being able to get my black bead for swimming, and of course meeting friends for life.
What did camp teach you? What did you learn at camp?
Camp taught me to respect others (well, my parents did but camp helped too). I will always empty that corner of the milk bag and I still wipe the table the way Ferg taught us to. Ha ha
Any favourite activities or programs?
Favourite activity was definitely sailing, second being canoeing. I loved being part of the end of season musical.
Thanks to camp…..
Thanks to camp I still have very dear friends that I know will be in my life until the end. We don’t get to see each other often but when we talk it’s like only a week has gone by.
Tell us about why you think camp is important for children
Oh gosh, camps and kids. I was always there for the full month of August which I’m very happy about. It gave me the time to get over any homesickness and truly emerge myself in the environment. It allowed me to try new things, new adventures, fall in love with nature....all of that.
“Thanks to camp I still have very dear friends that I know will be in my life until the end. We don’t get to see each other often but when we talk it’s like only a week has gone by.”
Anything else you’d like to share?
I didn’t realize at the time of course, but my parents made a financial commitment to have me there. My mom taught core French so she loved the schedule of two day’s English, two days French. After high school I moved to Toronto and worked in the hotel industry for quite awhile before moving into IT. When I moved to Hamilton I couldn’t stand the commute so I started a dog walking business which I’m still doing to this day! Not much hobbies these days with the current situation so it’s to the farm with the dogs then home/backyard.
I guess that kinda sums it up! I will never forget my time at Ouareau and cherish the friends I have the privilege of still having in my life.